Dylan Chan Oak was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on August 25,
![Dylan Chan Oak 2nd](img272.jpg)
Benny Michael Contreras was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on
March 24, 2022
![Benny Contreras 2nd](img273.jpg)
Benny Michael Contreras was initiated on November 11, 2021.
![Benny Contreras EA](img270.jpg)
![Benny Contreras and Josh Harmon](img271.jpg)
Gary William Frey (no relation to our PM) was initiated an Entered
Apprentice Mason on September 2, 2021.
![Gary Frey first](Gary%20Frey%20First%20Sept%202%202021.jpg)
On July 29, 2021, Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge passed Brother Daniel
Valdez to the degree of Fellowcraft.
On January 14, 2021 Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge held a virtual
Installation of Officers due to close down created by the Covid-19
![2021 virtual iinstall](Virtual%20Install%202021.JPG)
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