On May 28 Brandon Camarena received his 3rd degree in Masonry.
First Degree for
Abel C. Herroz on May 14, 2015
3rd degree for Bro Gerard Gulgulian on April 30, 2015
Members present at the initiation of Clarke Plunkett and Jeremy Hartman
on April 23, 2015.
March 19, 2015 Stated Meeting
Honoring Teachers from Powers-Ginsburg and Wilson Elementary Schools
March 12, 2015
Brother Richard Ehorn assembles bicycles
for the four lucky students at Powers-Ginsburg and Wilson elementary
Schools who have had perfect attendance and no tardies for the first
quarter of the 2014-2015 school year. Each school quarter Las
Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge gives bicycles and back packs so that students
with perfect attendance with no tardies have their names placed in a
drawing for the prizes.