Joshua Harmon,
Milt Snavely,
Don Williams,
Chaplain and
Sr. Steward.
(Missing from the picture are Richard Ehorn,
Treasurer and Christopher Guillen,
Jr. Steward.
April 25, 2019 Initiation of Tony Delumen

March 28, 2019 Fellowcraft of Edmond Garcia.

January 31, 2019 Initiation of
Rian Bowman and William Woolman

Our January 20, 2019 Installation of Officers

On November 29, 2018 Brother Michael Behlen was raised a Master Mason in
LPP Lodge.

On September 27, 2018 Brother Michael Behlen was passed to the degree of
Fellowcraft. Brother Behlen and WM Fitchner were both initiated in
Clovis Lodge on the same night in September of 2012.

On September 6, 2018 the Past Masters of Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge
raised Brother Christopher Guillen to the Sublime Degree of Master

On August 2, 2018 18 members of Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge traveled to
Turlock Lodge to retrieve the “traveling gavel”.
The gavel was made by a member of Clovis Lodge and it has been
many years since it has been home.

On May 2, 1968, brothers John and Mike Reynolds (sons of PM Robert
Reynolds—1959) were raised in Las Palmas Lodge.
On July 19, 2018, Larry Hopper PM presented Brother Mike Reynolds
with his Golden Veterans Award.
At the same time PGM Richard Hopper posthumously presented
Brother John Reynolds PM, widow, Barbara, his Golden Veterans Award.
between Brother Mike Reynolds and Brother Larry Hopper is Brother Mike's
wife, Sharon.)

On June 28, 2018 WM Scott Fitchner initiated his good friend, and now
Brother, Paul Wolf an Entered Apprentice Mason.

On May 24, 2018 Daniel Valdez was initiated an Entered Apprentice

On May 17, 2018, Richard Frey, PM from 1980, was presented with his
Golden Veterans Award by PGM Richard Hopper. Brother Hopper was
the Sr. Steward when Brother Frey was initiated an Entered Apprentice
Mason in November of 1967.

On April 26, 2018 Brothers Andrew Kincaid and Christopher Guillen were
passed to the degree of Fellowcraft.
This was the first time in the East on a Second Degree for Ryan Marrett.

January 2018 Stated Meeting and Hiram Award for Richard Ehorn

2018 LPP Installation of Officers

On November 2, 2017, Brother Christopher David Parker was raised a
Master Mason

On October 27, 2017 Andrew W. Kincaid was initiated an Entered
Apprentice Mason

On October 19, 2017, Brother Jack V. Mattox was presented with his
Golden Veterans Award

At the September, 2017 Stated Meeting Brother Stuart Hoskins was
bestowed with the Hiram Award.

Prior Hiram Award recipients present with Bro. Stuart.
On August 31, 2017
Daryl G. Nichols Jr. was initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason.

Brother Milt Snavely gave the 1st degree lecture.
On August 3, 2017, David Ray Ward was initiated an Entered Apprentice

On July 13, 2017 Brother Gary Pullings was passed to the degree of
Fellow Craft.